Payment of the entry fees can be done by bank transfer (preferably) or directly at the Event Center with money.


Data for payment by bank transfer:
Bank: Caixa Geral de Depósitos
Agency: Estarreja
Account number: 003502910003342833041
IBAN: PT50003502910003342833041

Recipient name: ORI-Estarreja – Clube de Orientação de Estarreja
Recipient’s address: Apartado 141, 3864-909 Estarreja, Portugal

Recipient Bank address: Avenida Visconde de Salreu, 3860-353 Estarreja, Portugal


All entries paid by bank transfer you need to send a receipt of the transfer (via email:


It is essential that this receipt clearly identifies the payer, so please complete the following steps:

  • In EXPRESS ENTRY FORM IN OASIS, put the Express Code on the confirmation;
  • For club payments, always insert the club name in the description.
  • For partial club payments, please indicate in the description the club and the list of athletes that are paying, or send an e-mail to the organizers with the list and the attached receipt.


Use the address to all e-mails related to entries.

Remark: all expenses inherent to the transfer shall be borne by the payer.